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Seda's Enhancements v9 Logo
Latest Version9.8.1 (26 March 2023)
Support StatusUnsupported

Seda's Enhancements Version 9 (SE9) was the primary version of Seda's Enhancements available in 2022.



SE9 requires at least 4GB of system memory; twice that of its predecessors. It will run on less, but not all functions work.


SE9 ran on Debian 11 and 12.

New Features

This version of the scripts introduced the following components for the first time:

  • seda-diffusion which packages everything needed to run Stable Diffusion.
  • seda-dynamicwall which allows users to set wallpapers to be displayed based on the systems temperature or load.
  • seda-libraries which downloads and updates several out-of-repository software packages at once.
  • seda-micu which performs motion interpolation, cleanup, and upscaling in a single command.
  • seda-report which shows information about the systems boot time.
  • seda-synergy which reports the network resources sharing status.


Seda's Enhancements 9 Changelog
Released on January 13th 2022
Date Version Changes Fixes Notes
13 Jan 2022 9.0.0 (all) New major release.

(guide) New Guidebook, and an online version is now available.
(seda-audio) Removed manual adjustments - these will also be removed on upgrade. Now deploys automatically to systems with connected audio equipment compatible with jack sensing / capability assessment.
(seda-checkdisks) Significantly improved over previous version, and no longer shows duplicate entries per disk.
(seda-cluster) New release, features better compression for network traffic. This version is compatible with cluster archives created from SE7 and SE8, it will convert them for you. Once converted, they cannot be used with older SE versions.
(seda-games) Now supports applying gamemode to shortcuts for Battle.Net, Star Trek Online, and Minecraft.
(seda-getmedia) New version does not require youtube-dl.
(seda-gfxchk) Now attempts to detect the correct DXVK filter device to systems with multiple graphics cards; this is not completely reliable yet.
(seda-identifydisks) Now attempts to identify mounted Windows partitions.
(seda-init) No longer overwrites/creates an /etc/environment file if customisations already exist.
(seda-install) Now checks for all prerequisites at once, rather than one at a time. No longer checks or modifies Firefox/Thunderbird as those tweaks are now part of the official releases.
(seda-logo) New symbols will be used. Symbols may be slightly different even on the same system when upgrades take place.
(seda-optimise) Now supports PDFs, and a recursive method for directories that does PNG, JPG, and PDF files all at once.
(seda-selfupgrade) Unique update check exclusively for SE9; this allows older SE8 releases to continue to receive bugfixes, where necessary.
(seda-task) New logo and wallpaper generation and smaller filesizes for both. As this is a major release, it will change your wallpaper. Subsequent versions of v9 will not.
(seda-tweak) Improved process isolation, especially on FX & Threadripper.
(seda-dynamicwall) This feature allows you to set a dynamic wallpaper based on your systems average temperature. This requires configuration and for you to select the wallpapers to use. Enable or disable from the tools menu.
Support for audio enhancements on dangerous platforms has been dropped and no further attempts will be made to implement this. Compatibility with older SE8 scripts has been dropped as well. If it doesn't ship with SE9, it can't work with it.

None Seda's Enhancement v9 is not compatible with any older scripts from v8 or earlier.
28 Jan 2022 9.0.1 (seda-audio) Massively improved playback efficiency via --play.

(seda-install) Configures vsync and motion interpolation for video playback for you on all supported video devices.
(seda-power) Minor changes resulting in between 5-10% power consumption decrease for the same tasks with no performance loss.
(seda-games) Now adds Discord to the installable software list. Run --install to do so.
(seda-update) Now detects squid proxy servers and verifies packages against tampering.

None You should remove the .deb version of Discord first via # apt-get purge discord*
23 Feb 2022 9.0.2 (seda-play) Renamed from seda-audio. This script now deals with all audio and video files and can be called from the terminal or directly via the file manager for an enhanced playback experience.

(seda-update) Reject certain suspect mirrors.

(seda-selectmovie) Fixed issue that could cause network scanning to throw an error if you had two Media folders. No additional upgrade steps required
01 Mar 2022 9.1.0 (seda-swi) Renamed from seda-games. This script now deals with other software as well and can be found in the menu under Tools > Seda Software Installer None No additional upgrade steps required
15 Mar 2022 9.2.0 (seda-age) Now includes --time, which provides highlights of specific events that are less recent than you think.

(seda-cluster) Now supports translating text within a video from one language to another. This requires the same level of processing power as video enhancement. Solo operation is possible on very high end systems.
(seda-enhance) Updated framework.
(seda-sts) New script can display text found on an image.
(seda-stsi) New script can translate a set of images directly.

(seda-install) Fixed reference to seda-swi in the installer.

(seda-selfupgrade) Fixed issue that could cause upgrades to fail as the scripts didn't always have executable permissions.

No additional upgrade steps required
16 Mar 2022 9.2.1 None (seda-install) Fixed bug where scripts didn't have permissions to execute. No additional upgrade steps required
01 Apr 2022 9.3.0 (seda-init) Now configures conky to display all active network interfaces connected. This is dynamic, and the interfaces will not show if they aren't connected.
(seda-power) Now skips asking for your power cost if you've already set it. If you need to change the value, you can use the menu.
(seda-synergy) New feature shows the current Synergy and Caching configuration. Note that many features are not yet implemented on the client, and require server support.
(seda-install) Fixed issue where the wallpaper was being reset even when you'd already changed it. No additional upgrade steps required
21 Apr 2022 9.3.1 (seda-cluster) Removed --enhancelive; now the default --enhanceauto is used. Updated framework, improved translation results. Improved support for clusters run by multiprocessor systems.
(seda-enhance) Updated framework.
None No additional upgrade steps required
27 Apr 2022 9.3.2 (conky) Now displays ECC status.

(seda-cluster) Updated framework, improved cluster processing quality for upscaling video. Added hashing support to the cluster script for password quality testing.
(seda-install) Now checks for and records ECC information.
(seda-enhance) Switched to a new upscaling method. Should provide significant quality improvements to generated artwork and reasonable quality photos.
(seda-play) Slight improvements to audio and video quality and playback experience. Now supports DVD, BD, and UHD files in addition to all standard media types.

None No additional upgrade steps required
04 May 2022 9.4.0 (conky) Updated ECC reporting text.

(seda-cluster) Updated framework.
(seda-enhance) Updated framework.
(seda-identifymemory) Updated to include ECC detection for refreshing stored data.
(seda-install) Updated ECC detection method and reporting.
(seda-optimise) Updated framework. Now contains a batch mode via --batch which will convert all files in that folder from jpeg/jpg to png and compress them.
(seda-play) Updated framework. Fixed playback of files with unusual file names. Added a --batch mode to play all files in that folder in ascending filesize order.
(seda-micu) New script that handles Motion Interpolation, Cleanup, and Upscale as a single system task. This is similar to what the cluster does, but will run it on a standalone system. Using your absolute fastest system is recommended as the processing time for a modest video can be multiple days. Results vary a lot between videos, and the best results will come from very low resolution animation, e.g. old anime. (seda-report) New script provides information about system boot time. Call it as root with --boot

(seda-gfxchk) Fixed power cap check. No additional upgrade steps required
07 Jun 2022 9.4.1 (seda-about) Added Seda Verified Build segment. This shows whether or not your system is a Seda Verified Build; that is, your system was built by Seda to the expected quality specifications. Systems built by Seda are more able to perform at higher levels with lower power settings - by enabling Seda's Enhancements to now identify this, more performance can be extracted on these systems without risking instability on machines not built by Seda.

(seda-benchmark) Minor issues corrected. This will not change scores.
(seda-chat) Key updated. You may need to accept a new key the first time you connect.
(seda-micu) Now a fully supported script. This should work on any file below 720p resolution on FX-8xxx and above processors. For larger resolutions, a powerful graphics card in a Threadripper-based system is highly recommended.
(seda-optimise) Improved --batch handling of jpeg/jpg files.
(seda-play) Removed mpv acceleration overrides.

(seda-age) Fixed calculation bugs.

(seda-checkdisks) Fixed trigger of specific bug affecting high-performance NVMe in specific X399 configurations - such as on the ASUS PRIME. This doesn't fix the issue, but may successfully allow for a reset without having to pull the machine apart if it triggers again.
(seda-gfxchk) Corrected card power consumption measurement to work with the latest version of the amdgpu kernel driver. Intel and NVIDIA open source support is not yet ready.
(seda-micu) A bug where it wouldn't be able to process very large files has been fixed.

No additional upgrade steps required
12 Jul 2022 9.5.0 (all) First steps towards a Quantum-safe security system (post-quantum cryptography).
(conky) Improved accuracy of graphics card temperature reporting. As a result, you may see higher temperatures shown in Conky. These are temperatures you have always been experiencing, so there is no need for alarm.
(seda-chat) Security framework updated - however, you should use Element if you need a secure chat framework. Use seda-chat only in countries where Element is blocked, and use it at your own risk.
(seda-gfxchk) Improved accuracy of power cap display, and fixed bugs related to graphics card selection.
(seda-update) Updated repositories.
None No additional upgrade steps required.
14 Jul 2022 9.5.1 None (conky) Fixed temperature display for systems with two video cards. No additional upgrade steps required.
07 Aug 2022 9.5.2 (seda-cluster) Updated framework.
(seda-micu) Updated framework.
(conky) Fixed detection of bonded network interfaces. No additional upgrade steps required.
12 Sep 2022 9.6.0 (seda-diffusion) A wrapper script to provide Stable Diffusion on Debian GNU/Linux via an easy menu entry. Also includes a --selfie mode. None No additional upgrade steps required.
13 Sep 2022 9.6.1 (seda-diffusion) All frameworks are now downloaded during installation rather than bundled within the installer.

(seda-enhance) Updated framework.
(seda-micu) Updated framework.
(seda-cluster) Updated framework, now supports running diffusion across an entire network.
(seda-dynamicwall) Experimental diffusion support.
(seda-logo) Experimental diffusion support.
(seda-optimise) Experimental diffusion support.

(all) Fixed script execution bugs when the system region was set to anything other than Australia. No additional upgrade steps required.
21 Sep 2022 9.6.2 (seda-diffusion) Added a mode selection to the menu. Added partial steps towards AMD/Intel graphics support.

(seda-frameworks) New script that can update all bundled frameworks at once from the web. You can use this to update things like diffusion or ncnn tools without having to wait for the next version of SE.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
23 Oct 2022 9.7.0 (all) Replaced references to Server Annabelle with Server Seraphine.

(seda-access) Changed remote key installation to point at Server Seraphine.
(seda-chat) Changed key display to Server Seraphine.
(seda-swi) Now supports running Android applications. A Seda Verified Build is required for this early release.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
15 Nov 2022 9.7.1 (seda-access) Reverted remote key installation to Server Annabelle.

(seda-chat) Reverted key display to Server Annabelle.

(seda-status) Fixed codename detection and display on AMD Bulldozer processors, such as the FX and Opteron. No additional upgrade steps required.
18 Nov 2022 9.7.2 (seda-init) Set SSH compression enabled. (seda-cluster) Fixed issues running on macOS. Note that macOS is not an officially supported platform, but it can work with some effort.

(seda-logo) Fixed wallpaper and logo generation on AMD Bulldozer processors, such as the FX and Opteron series.
(seda-frameworks) Fixed incorrect path assignment to Diffusion, RealSR, Realesrgan, and yt-dlp.

No additional upgrade steps required.
22 Nov 2022 9.7.3 None (seda-age) Fixed bug with time display.

(seda-micu) Fixed bug with frame scale.

No additional upgrade steps required.
03 Mar 2023 9.8.0 (seda-age) Added Nikita.

(seda-play) Added support for BD/UHD menus.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
26 Mar 2023 9.8.1 (conky) Added support for Volatile filesystem.<br

(seda-task) Renamed aux to asx in the Conky generation for Windows compatibility.
(seda-identifydisks) Added support for Volatile filesystem mount. Added report for secondary optical drive, if present.
(seda-swi) The --resetwine mode no longer requires you to set options in the Wine Configuration dialog and is far more automated.
(seda-frameworks) Removed. This script was impossible to maintain.

(seda-diffusion) Fixed bugs preventing diffusion from running correctly on lower performance systems.

(seda-gfxchk) Corrected detection of variable refresh support on newer AMD graphics cards. Improved SDR & HDR detection.

A system restart is recommended.


SE9 and SE2023 share a common codebase.