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Seda's Enhancements v8 Logo
Latest Version8.5.4 (23 February 2022)
Support StatusUnsupported

Seda's Enhancements Version 8 (SE8) was the second version of Seda's Enhancements available in 2020.



This version of the scripts was released as a minor upgrade over SE7, with a focus on compatibility with newer hardware.


SE8 ran on Debian 11.

New Features

This version of the scripts introduced the following components for the first time:

  • seda-affinity a wrapper to allow for specific cores, threads, modules or nodes to be pinned for tasks.
  • seda-selectmovie a menu entry to find media on your system and let you select what to play.
  • seda-gfxchk a script that checks what cards you have and picks one for work and one for play.


Seda's Enhancements 8 Changelog
Released on October 1st 2020
Date Version Changes Fixes Notes
01 Oct 2020 8.0.0 (all) New major release. Almost all scripts improved with more speed, compatibility, and clearer output. Seda's Enhancements now requires a Vulkan compatible AMD graphics device using the amdgpu driver module. Old radeon module cards will not work. Some cards require a kernel boot parameter to use amdgpu, see AMDGPU on the Debian Wiki for details. CPU requirements have not changed, but the check for a compatible x86_64/64-bit processor is now a hard check, and the installer will refuse to run on x86_32/32-bit systems.
(guide) New Guidebook.
(seda-cluster) New version includes the ability to compress data stream across networks. Also features --live and --anime operation modes, providing optimal results for each type of video content.
(seda-enhance) Vastly better photo enhancement - can now restore damaged photos in many instances or photos where the original image wasn't that good to begin with.
Support for HD-DVD and pre-Vulkan graphics devices has been dropped. Compatibility with older SE7 scripts has been dropped as well. If it doesn't ship with SE8, it can't work with it.
None Seda's Enhancement v8 is not compatible with any older scripts from v7 or earlier at all (seda-strip, etc). Additionally, cluster jobs started in v7 must be completed in v7 - the cluster script has changed for v8, and won't read those tasks. If you were using the cluster in v7 but plan to migrate straight away, delete the contents of your /Media/Seda/Cluster/ and /Media/Seda/Task/ folders before upgrading.
21 Oct 2020 8.1.0 (seda-about) Now differentiates between different models of graphics cards. For example, it will know if your graphics card was made by Sapphire or ASUS, even if they have the same chipset.
(seda-backup) This script can now configure itself via --enable, and it will password protect your backups if your system uses encryption. The password used is the system identification string you can view in About System. Note that the identity string shown in the logo will be different, and you can safely show the logo to others without compromising system security.
(seda-benchmark) Benchmark task made more difficult. Scores on all systems will be lower, but this allows greater flexibility for comparing newer systems. Due to this change, benchmarks made in previous versions are not comparable to this version or later.
(seda-cluster) Framework updated. This can now convert and use work archives created in SE7.
(seda-enhance) Framework updated, and the menu entry now allows you to specify what type of image, and may result in better image quality.
(seda-sensors) Impoved accuracy on FX platforms.
(seda-status) New launch flag, --security, which will give a very rough estimate of how secure your system is compared to the baseline established on System Jennifer. This requires root. Closed-source software - such as Discord - and built-in risks such as Intel IME / AMD PSP will decrease the score.
(seda-affinity) This allows you to globally set processor affinity for your system. You can use this if you don't require the full power of your processor to be available to all tasks at all times. This can dramatically reduce the power consumption of Threadripper and FX based processors, and may even increase performance in older applications.
(seda-selectmovie) New script will search for media files and list things available to play. This can be found under Media Archive & Playback -> Play Media -> Show Available Media.
(seda-protection) This script and all related scripts (powercap, fancontrol, etc) have been removed.
None No additional upgrade steps required.
08 Nov 2020 8.1.1 (seda-audio) Due to reported crackling/quality issues, audio enhancements are disabled by default. You can run seda-audio --enable or --disable to configure them manually. None No additional upgrade steps required.
01 Dec 2020 8.1.2 (all) This version can now be installed on unsupported systems, such as those with older graphics cards. This is unsupported; the installer will warn you if your computer falls into this category.

(seda-affinity) If this is active, it will be disabled on upgrade for Threadripper based systems.
(seda-tweak) Now enabled for Firefox and Thunderbird.
(seda-install) Removed ACO shader override as it is now the default Mesa behaviour.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
10 Dec 2020 8.1.3 (seda-install) Retires RSA keys and removes them from authorized_keys and known_hosts.

(seda-chat) Key change, other security improvements. The script will now refuse to run if your version of Seda's Enhancements is out of date.

None You may have to generate new SSH keys via... $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 and # ssh-keygen -t ed25519

...after this is installed.

01 Jan 2021 8.2.0 (all) Improvements from Project Funayūrei, the security improvement project.

(guidebook) Updated to reflect current release.
(seda-update) UEFI module update capability is now available for most 990FX boards. This process is well-tested, and has been enabled by default.
(seda-gfxchk) New script provides information about advanced graphical capabilities available on the system. This runs as a normal user in a terminal.

None Restart your PC when installation is complete.
03 Feb 2021 8.2.1 (all) Now supports Apple silicon, if using a paid subscription.

(seda-version) You can now check current subscription status via seda-version --type
(guidebook) Updated to include links to Patreon (last page).
(seda-enhance) Framework updated, and this will now attempt to use the CPU in a system without a compatible GPU.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
17 Feb 2021 8.2.2 (all) Emergency update for a potential security issue. None No additional upgrade steps required.
23 Feb 2021 8.2.3 (seda-update) Seamless updates now available.

(seda-install) Now shows a flag for the Patreon page if you are running the complimentary/limited version.
(seda-games) Now supports additional entries via --install, and can now help reset Wine prefixes via --resetwine.
(seda-tweak) Advanced performance mode now available on some systems.
(seda-optical) Now supports Playstation 3 discs.
(seda-enhance) Minor improvements to the speed and image quality.

(seda-tweak) Fixes and updates for Firefox/Thunderbird. Restart your PC when installation is complete.
27 Feb 2021 8.2.4 (seda-optical) Improved Compact Disc (CD) ripping capability. None No additional upgrade steps required.
01 Mar 2021 8.3.0 (seda-install) Now supports macOS Big Sur & Windows 10 as support software. This requires additional setup; contact for details.

(seda-cluster) Now supports macOS processing nodes for cluster tasks. It is not currently possible to use macOS as central control, but this is planned.
(seda-router) Now supports updating individual modules on many common routers. This allows you to update parts of the router even after the manufacturer has discontinued support. This requires additional setup; contact for details.

None The Windows and macOS versions will check that you have a valid subscription each update.
04 Mar 2021 8.3.1 (all) Security improvements. None Restart your PC when installation is complete.

You will be asked to verify a new key for the chat service the first time you connect.

01 Apr 2021 8.3.2 (seda-chat) Updated framework.

(seda-cluster) Updated framework.
(seda-enhance) Updated framework.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
01 May 2021 8.3.3 (seda-games) Updated to ensure that it only installs games that will work.

(seda-identifydisks) Improved support for NVMe drives.
(seda-tweak) Now supports ray tracing on most amdgpu devices. This uses OpenCL, and requires mesa-opencl-icd (and mesa-opencl-icd:i386 for use with 32-bit software) to be installed. Testing has been done as far back as the FX-9590 for CPU & Radeon 7790 for GPU; framerate is only marginally affected as long as the graphics card and processor are not already saturated by the game in question.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
06 May 2021 8.3.4 (seda-optical) Now issues a warning if software is running that could decrease the safety of disc archival. None No additional upgrade steps required.
01 Jun 2021 8.3.5 (seda-affinity) Improved thread selection on Threadripper processors.

(seda-audio) Minor tweaks for the Creative Audigy Rx, Strix Raid Pro/DLX.
(seda-enhance) Updated framework.
(seda-games) Improved launcher for Battle.Net
(seda-getmedia) A generic downloader is now included as well, so you can get general files on unreliable internet connections. To use, run seda-getmedia from a normal user terminal and if it is interrupted, run the same command again from the same location - it should resume where it left off.
(seda-gfxchk) Changed output for increased accuracy. This shows whether the system supports the feature, it has no idea about the monitor/display.
(seda-tweak) Various improvements for FX-8xxx/9xxx, Threadripper 19xx/29xx. In some extreme cases on Threadrippers these can result in 200% performance improvements with less than 25% the power consumption. You must configure this to take advantage of it, assistance is available.
(seda-chat) Removed.

None Restart your PC when installation is complete.
10 Jun 2021 8.3.6 (seda-tweak) Minor updates to execution methods on Threadripper 19xx/29xx series. None No additional upgrade steps required.
03 Jul 2021 8.3.7 (seda-init) Minor security updates and performance fixes. None No additional upgrade steps required.
14 Jul 2021 8.4.0 (seda-power) Now measures electricity consumption on most systems.

(seda-enhance) Updated framework.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
19 Jul 2021 8.4.1 (all) Security updates. None Restart your PC when installation is complete.
21 Jul 2021 8.4.2 (seda-sensors) Improved accuracy of power measurement for Ryzen Threadripper 19xx/29xx None No additional upgrade steps required.
02 Sep 2021 8.4.3 (seda-update) Support for Debian 12/Bookworm (Testing). None No additional upgrade steps required.
22 Sep 2021 8.4.4 (seda-gamma) Now supports HDR display devices.

(seda-resetscale) Now supports HDR display devices.
(seda-resetgamma) Now supports HDR display devices.
(seda-gfxchk) Now detects and reports HDR capability. Improved readout clarity.
(seda-chat) Enabled, with better security.
(seda-enhance) Updated libraries.

(seda-enhance) Corrected issue where enhanced images would come out monotone. Restart your PC when installation is complete.
20 Oct 2021 8.4.5 (seda-gfxchk) Improved support for multi-monitor, multi-gpu setups. None Restart your PC when installation is complete.
24 Nov 2021 8.4.6 (seda-getmedia) Improvements to the generic downloader (e.g. seda-getmedia --fetch anyfile); and massive speed improvements to downloading videos from streaming sites. In some cases, it can be over a hundred times faster. None No additional upgrade steps required.
01 Dec 2021 8.4.7 (seda-update) Security update to prevent false key exploits. The downloaded apt configuration file is now verified twice.

(seda-audio) Improved support for rough configurations. To use, first you must run "$ seda-audio --enable" followed by "$ seda-audio --play file"
(seda-affinity) Significantly improved support and performance on Bulldozer/Zurich and Piledriver/Vishera class processors.
(seda-version) Improved readout of "$ seda-version --type"

None No additional upgrade steps required.
26 Dec 2021 8.4.8 (seda-getmedia) Improved fetch method and subtitle detection.

(seda-checkdisks) Split out from identifydisks and now easier to read.

None To use checkdisks, you need to: # apt-get install nvme-cli smartmontools
09 Jan 2022 8.5.1 (guide) Updated guidebook and improved compression, now takes up 10% of the space with the same content.

(seda-chat) Now modular, so it no longer prevents connection if you are running an out of date version.

(seda-checkdisks) Fixed bug so that it correctly deals with systems where no NVMe devices are present, and no longer prints a warning about the nvme-fabric device.

(seda-enhance) Fixed framework to function properly on new Debian releases.
(seda-getmedia) Fixed close bug; now if you click cancel it will no longer try to continue.

It is suggested that you install: # apt-get install jpegoptim
13 Jan 2022 8.5.2 (seda-selfupgrade) This now gives you the option to switch to SE9 if you have a subscription. It now checks for updates to SE8 specifically, rather than jumping to any available edition. If you intend to continue running SE8, you need this version.

(seda-gfxchk) This now tells you if your card is running on the correct driver module - so it can help determine if your system can run SE9.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
28 Jan 2022 8.5.3 (seda-games) Now adds Discord to the installable software list. Run --install to do so. None You should remove the .deb version of Discord first via # apt-get purge discord*
23 Feb 2022 8.5.4 (seda-update) Set repositories to the stable release. Reject certain suspect mirrors. None No additional upgrade steps required.


SE8 was a bug fixing release, and didn't contain much new. It was also early - releasing while SE7 was still supported.