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Seda's Enhancements v7 Logo
Latest Version7.19.10 (18 September 2020)
Support StatusUnsupported

Seda's Enhancements Version 7 (SE7) was the first version of Seda's Enhancements available in 2020.



This was a complete re-write of the scripts, bringing with it a graphical installer, more descriptive menu entries, and compatibility with massively multi-threaded systems such as Threadrippers.


SE7 ran on Debian 10.

New Features

This version of the scripts introduced the following components for the first time:


Seda's Enhancements 7 Changelog
Released on January 1st 2020
Date Version Changes Fixes Notes
01 Jan 2020 7.0.0 (all) New major release. Installer is now graphical. Far better method of installing scripts; update system in place, and more.

(seda-systems) No longer a script, now it's just a resource.
(seda-wall) Now creates a logo for the system as well based on its class. All graphics are now dynamically generated.
(seda-strip) This script is now disabled and must be manually configured for systems where the art has been set up.

None For systems running Seda's Enhancements v6.4.2 or later, no additional steps are required and you can update directly.

If you are running Seda's Enhancements older than v6.4.2, you should update to Seda's Enhancements v6.4.2 before attempting to install Seda's Enhancements v7
Not all functions available in Seda's Enhancements v6 are available in v7. Check the compatibility table during installation.

02 Jan 2020 7.0.1 (seda-changelog) No longer a script. Now it's just a text file that ships with the initial installer.

(seda-weather) You can now override the autodetection by running seda-weather from the terminal with your desired location as an argument passed to the script, e.g. seda-weather adelaide; if you run the script without any parameter, it will reset the weather to autodetection.
(seda-selfupgrade) New script - and menu entry - allows easier upgrading to new releases of Seda's Enhancements.
(seda-strip) This script has been removed.

(seda-install) The installer has been fixed so that it no longer installs the Tasks block to Conky if the system has a low resolution. This will allow it to more cleanly install on Notebooks/Netbooks.
No additional upgrade steps required.
03 Jan 2020 7.1.0 (all) Now modifies /etc/environment for maximum gaming performance.

(seda-search) New script and menu entry provides the ability to search many websites at once. A search across multiple search engines.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
06 Jan 2020 7.1.1 (all) Prerendered artwork removed to decrease script installer size.

(all) Unnecessary lines removed from many scripts. Faster ways of doing things applied to many scripts.
(seda-install) Now checks for all known prerequisites before allowing an install. This should ensure a smoother upgrade experience. Dialog boxes and error messages are now designed to be more informative as well.
(seda-wall) Removed. This function was rolled into the seda-install script, and will be done on each upgrade or installation of Seda's Enhancements as a test of system performance and stability. You can change your wallpaper at any time; it is only set to ensure that the scripts are working properly.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
08 Jan 2020 7.1.2 (all) System class system removed. Systems will now generate a unique identification code which will not change.

(conky) Now determines the network interface more reliably.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
09 Jan 2020 7.2.0 (seda-status) Now shows the processor codename if called with --codename

(seda-about) Now shows the processor codename.
(seda-tweak) Merged the Wine tweak components into this, added some explanatory text, and improved the scripts abilities.
(seda-benchmark) Quick and dirty performance test to help determine the optimal way to run a program.
(seda-tweak-wine) Removed.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
10 Jan 2020 7.3.0 (all) Many menu entries have been re-written to provide generic English terms to save space, rather than having seperate en-AU terms.

(conky) Now a true dynamic network configuration. Will automatically update when you connect different interfaces, as long as only one interface is active. Multiple interfaces are not supported.
(seda-install) Now removes previous versions of Delta Network Scripts, Seda Scripts, and Seda's Enhancements more thoroughly.
(seda-cleanup) Now located in the menu. This allows you to clear the caches and swap file if the system has dealt with an application with a bad memory leak.
(seda-version) Now has additional display options; --short, and --veryshort
(seda-benchmark) Task was made a lot more difficult for the system. This will increase the time it takes to run, but will greatly improve the accuracy of the results. Options are --modetest and --bench.
(seda-tweak) Greatly improved. Call it from the menu, or use --tr, --fx, or --insane. The insane mode will run your task on a randomly selected thread, and is just as smart to use as it sounds.
(seda-update) Improved handling of Winetricks.
(seda-wine) Improved --reset and --tweak modes. Reset still resets the entire prefix. Tweak applies known fixes/workarounds that will benefit standard workstations.
(seda-detect) New script detects if a process is running and outputs details. This script is part of the project to automate power settings based on the tasks running rather than the current manual method - but that is not switched on by default yet.
(seda-access) New script lists, removes, or adds remote SSH access to allow Seda to have access to your system (if ports are mapped) for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. Only enable if instructed to do so. Commands are --list, --remove, and --install.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
11 Jan 2020 7.3.1 (all) Internal test release. None No additional upgrade steps required.
12 Jan 2020 7.3.2 (conky) Moved Cache information to the Memory section.

(seda-identifymemory) This script can now be called to recreate the information used by Conky, in the event you change or upgrade system memory after Seda's Enhancements was installed.
(seda-power) Previous commands seda-auto/seda-loud/seda-quiet are now merged into seda-power. You can call them via --loud, --quiet, or --auto.
(seda-selfupgrade) Now has the ability to update the scripts from the internet. The days of sharing .tar.gz files via e-mail are over; but that ability has been left in place just in case of server issues. You can call the old method via --gui, and the new method from the menu.

(conky) Fixed memory display in Conky. Now provides the correct information for each module. No additional upgrade steps required.
13 Jan 2020 7.4.0 (all) All GUI scripts have had their window icon updated to use the new Seda's Enhancements logo.

(all) Several descriptions have been altered to more clearly convey the purpose of the script in question.
(seda-benchmark) Now summarises --modetest as a high score system, similar to the benchmark. This should make it easier to see which method gives you the highest output. Now also provides a very rough multi-threaded score.
(seda-tweak) Now autodetects processor. Currently supports AMD FX-8xxx/9xxx, and the Threadripper 1950X. Does NOT support the Threadripper 1900/1920X, and probably never will. Note that the --fx and --tr options NO LONGER WORK. You must use "seda-tweak --default %command%" (without the quotes) to launch games via Steam.
(seda-status) This has now been updated to correctly identify AMD FX processors with Modules/Threads rather than inaccurately calling them Cores/Threads. Additionally, this no longer counts Swap as available memory.
(seda-search) Now clicking cancel appropriately exits and no longer opens a browser.
(seda-sensors) Updated to detect multi-GPU equipped amdgpu-powered laptops, such as the ASUS FX705DY. This is not extensively tested yet, and feedback is welcome.
(seda-perc) Now provides feedback if you give it an invalid calculation.
(seda-makepw) This is now available in the menu under Tweaks & Extras, but can still be called from a Terminal.
(seda-fc) Now provides feedback if you don't provide a value to convert from.
(seda-cf) Now provides feedback if you don't provide a value to convert from.
(seda-math) Now provides feedback if you don't provide a value to convert from.
(seda-crop) Now provides feedback if you give it a video to crop.
(seda-update) This can now be called from the menu, although in a limited mode. It can be found at
Seda's Enhancements -> Tweaks & Extras -> Check for Debian Updates.
If you are comfortable with the Terminal, main functionality will remain in calling seda-update from there.
(seda-scale) Removed. This is no longer stable on modern displays, and many of them have a high enough resolution to begin with.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
13 Jan 2020 7.4.1 (seda-benchmark) Now available in the menu as a GUI option.

(seda-age) Now shows the amount of time left on the systems support timeframe if you call it with --support
(seda-guide) Seda's Guidebook is now available and can be accessed from the menu via About Seda's Enhancements under Tweaks & Extras.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
14 Jan 2020 7.4.2 (all) Menu layout changed to make it easier to find things. The guide has been updated to reflect this.

(conky) Updated to reflect the changes to seda-update.
(seda-install) Now saves an indicator after the wallpaper has been set. If you have had the wallpaper set in the past but changed it, the installer will no longer change your wallpaper back. The wallpaper will only be set on first time installations or on major updates only. For example, version v8.0.0 would change your wallpaper, but version v7.6.1 would not. This update to v7.4.2 will change it, but subsequent ones won't.
(seda-update) Now stores the record of the last update in the Conky folder, to avoid it being wiped on upgrades to Seda's Enhancements. This means that your system last updated time will be preserved even after upgrading Seda's Enhancements.
(seda-about) Updated to reflect the changes to seda-update.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
14 Jan 2020 7.4.3 None (seda-tweak) Fixed bug preventing Steam games from launching. No additional upgrade steps required.
15 Jan 2020 7.4.4 (menu) Tweaks & Extras renamed to Tools & Extras. Also, 'Run Performance Tweak' has been renamed to 'Run Application in Specific Execution Mode' as it better reflects what it actually does. (seda-install) Fixed the check for the wallpaper, which wasn't working on some systems. Detection will work now, so after installing this version new versions will not change your wallpaper. Also changed popup items to describe what is being done during each step. No additional upgrade steps required.
16 Jan 2020 7.4.5 (seda-install) Now gives a single progress indicator for the entire installation process, preventing the random flash/popup style that had been used so far. Also made the installer more obvious. None No additional upgrade steps required.
17 Jan 2020 7.4.6 (seda-init) Emergency patch to prevent a thermal bug where the fan will stay off on a Vega 56/64 even while the card is reaching thermal limits. None No additional upgrade steps required.
18 Jan 2020 7.5.0 (conky) Now links to seda-update, in order to facilitate update reminders. If updates are available, it will ask if you want to install them. If you say no, it won't ask you again until a seda-update has been manually run. This check runs daily.

(seda-update) Now has an automatic update function.
(seda-init) Now configures the system to check for updates every Saturday at 1800. If updates are found, it notifies seda-update, and thus Conky.
(changelog) Removed the feature and patch part of the version information at the top of the changelog file.
(instructions) Removed the feature and patch part of the version information at the top of the changelog file.

(seda-init) Also reverted the patch from 7.4.6 as the problem was actually located elsewhere - and it has been fixed upstream. Updating your system is recommended. No additional upgrade steps required.
19 Jan 2020 7.5.1 (seda-init) This update will delete/reset the shader cache. This is a one time reset that will not happen on future upgrades (unless specified). This also now enables a great deal of experimental performance changes.

(conky) If you had Seda's experimental fan control script installed, it will be removed.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
20 Jan 2020 7.5.2 (seda-cleanup) Now purges the shader caches.

(seda-sensors) Now shows a summary of the sensors in the system, including the highest and lowest temperature, an average, and the temperature differential.
(seda-init) Now removes potentially dangerous performance tweaks until certain other bugs outside of these scripts are fixed (e.g. Mesa, Kernel, amdgpu).

(seda-access) A bug preventing keys from being installed properly has been fixed. No additional upgrade steps required.
21 Jan 2020 7.6.0 (conky) Updated to include seda-fancontrol, updating once per second.

(seda-init) Tweaks reactivated.
(seda-fancontrol) New script allows control of the system fans via the highest temperature. This requires an environment value to be set in order to enable.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
22 Jan 2020 7.6.1 (seda-fancontrol) Disabled for all Vega series cards.

(conky) Updated to disable seda-fancontrol for the time being on all systems except those whitelisted by seda-tweak.
(seda-tweak) The first stages of system detection are in place, in order to apply known tweaks/workarounds for specific systems. This is now the recommended way to apply tweaks for your system, as it is safe and automatic.

(seda-init) Fixed to avoid overheating Vega10 series cards and potentially breaking Navi series cards. No additional upgrade steps required.
22 Jan 2020 7.6.2 (guide) Updated documentation to reflect changes in the menu and some scripts, e.g. seda-sensors.

(conky) Cosmetic changes made to the layout in order to make it easier to see when updates are available.

(seda-update) Minor fixes for consistency.

(seda-selfupgrade) Minor fixes for consistency.

No additional upgrade steps required.
26 Jan 2020 7.7.0 (seda-fancontrol) Re-enabled by default, but in monitoring mode. This can be configured by seda-fangui.

(seda-fangui) New script - and menu entry. Allows overriding system fans. Does not require a restart to switch between. Experimental, but should be stable. This does not support laptops.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
28 Jan 2020 7.8.0 (seda-tweak) Now has a new option, --fx9590, which will set an AMD FX-9590 to 4.0GHz while gaming instead of 4.7GHz, as the computing power is most likely not required for the majority of titles. This is a workaround if you have insufficient cooling. If you want to unleash the full power of your processor, stick with --default. The --fx9590 option only works on the AMD FX-9590; attempting to use it on any other processor will fail.

(seda-sensors) Now shows an approximate current minimum power draw for the system. This is most accurate on the FX-9590.
(seda-powercontrol) New script allows controlling the power cap of amdgpu graphics cards in supported systems. This can reduce fan noise, lower temperatures, and improve performance.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
30 Jan 2020 7.9.0 (conky) Now shows a warning in red text if seda-protection has been triggered and is active. This warning will disappear once the system is back in safe temperatures.

(seda-protection) New script provides a safety mechanism against thermal issues. This script will forcefully alter power settings and/or fan settings as required to keep the system at reasonable temperatures, even under heavy load. This script must be manually activated by editing /etc/environment. If you aren't comfortable doing that, you should not use this script. This script is not for laptops and will refuse to run on them. Activating seda-protection will disable seda-fancontrol & seda-powercap. The scripts seda-fancontrol & seda-powercap will remain available if you choose not to use seda-protection.
(seda-auto-powercap) If your system had the Seda's Duct Tape script seda-auto-powercap installed, it will be removed.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
30 Jan 2020 7.9.1 (seda-about) Changed processor display so that on the AMD Ryzen Threadripper it is simply shown as AMD Threadripper, in order to make the output neater when called with --conky. (seda-fancontrol) Fixed issue preventing correctly setting fans on Radeon Navi. No additional upgrade steps required.
02 Feb 2020 7.9.2 (all) The size of the GUI script dialog windows has been reduced to 750px wide. Previously, all scripts were between 600 to 850 pixels wide and this was too large a range for clean text display on smaller laptops.

(seda-detect) Now shows process identifiers for detected processes.
(seda-crop) Massively improved output quality, reliability, and performance of the script. Should now process any video of any kind, and do a better job of it. Note that this script requires a powerful workstation to perform within reasonable time frames - if you have an older system, it will still work (going back to 2005) but will take considerably longer - possibly hours. A processor from 2015 or later is recommended.
(seda-sensors) Slightly increased accuracy on Threadripper platforms.
(seda-fancontrol) Changed settings to allow fans to stay at quieter levels while retaining its ability to react to emergency temperatures.
(seda-protection) Changed settings to reflect changes in seda-fancontrol.
(seda-weather) Due to reliability issues, this is no longer under active development and is on a candidate list for removal in a later version.

(seda-update) Fixes issue where update list might scroll off the screen. Only fifteen of the available updates will be shown, along with a count of how many total updates and how many are not shown. No additional upgrade steps required.
02 Feb 2020 7.9.3 (conky) Shows a placeholder temperature for the Threadripper. This temperature is not accurate to what the processor is really running at, but is accurate as a warning. In addition, the check for updates for both Seda's Enhancements & Debian GNU/Linux has been made more frequent. If your system is still showing updates available after having just done them, it will refresh within an hour. The Software section of Conky has been renamed to Updates.

(seda-init) Detects when the processor temperature isn't being accurately recorded.

(seda-crop) Fixed detection for some videos where the first segment is all black. No additional upgrade steps required.
08 Feb 2020 7.10.0 (seda-protection) Significantly improved. Now returns the system to schedutil rather than conservative power mode once temperatures have returned to safe regions. This results in far better performance, particularly while gaming. Stuttering should be entirely removed. You can enable or disable Seda Protection by editing /etc/environment as root (#), and changing

That will cause the script to activate if your CPU exceeds 65C, and if your GPU exceeds 85C. Do note that this version of the script will enable itself if any temperature in the system exceeds 90C for more than thirty seconds. Additionally, this script will place the system back in automatic power mode if you leave it idle for over an hour. This requries xprintidle, and you will be prompted to install it during installation.
(seda-power) Now supports Netbook/Notebook GPUs with the amdgpu module. Devices still using the older radeon module are not supported. Additionally, seda-power now more reliably sets the performance mode on newer generations of AMD graphics cards, and should be more efficient on AMD Accelerated Processing Units.
(seda-tweak) Now supports Netbook/Notebook processors - everything from the AMD E1-2100 through to the AMD Ryzen 5 3550H. Another change is that the --fx9590 option has been removed and changed to --fx. This is only for the 8 Thread processors such as the FX-8xxx/9xxx series. If you are using a FX-4xxx/6xxx series, please use --default.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
09 Feb 2020 7.10.1 None (seda-protection) Fixed bug causing protection warning to remain shown even when the system has returned to a normal state. Changed idle power setting from Schedutil to Conservative. No additional upgrade steps required.
11 Feb 2020 7.10.2 None (seda-update) Fixed bug causing the update dialog to prompt users during the week. It should now properly only alert you on Saturday if there are more than five updates available. No additional upgrade steps required.
13 Feb 2020 7.11.0 (all) Official logo updated, and the wallpaper will now generate with the system text to the right of the icon, rather than on top of it.

(wall) Raised the logo and text another thirty pixels so it wasn't crammed right against the panel.
(guide) Now that features have been finalised, the new guide has been published.
(seda-update) The GUI now includes all the functions of the terminal script, and has received cosmetic updates to provide a sleeker experience.
(seda-tweak) Added new option as --tr. This is designed for Threadrippers. Can be used instead of --default for Whitehaven and Colfax type Threadrippers.
(seda-firewall) Troubleshooting script. Only run this if instructed; will be removed in the next version.
(seda-weather) Removed.

(seda-benchmark) Fixed timer bugs.

(seda-spb) Fixed timer bugs.
(seda-search) Corrected minor errata.

No additional upgrade steps required.
13 Feb 2020 7.11.1 (seda-tweak) Now creates menu entries for Steam and Battle.Net, if they are installed. They will appear under

Seda's Enhancements -> Tools & Extras.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
16 Feb 2020 7.11.2 (seda-games) This can now be re-run after installation at any time to refresh the menu entries for Steam & Battle.Net. This runs those applications with the tweak entirely, as well as any game launched with them. This is if you cannot test games individually.

(seda-firewall) Removed.

(seda-tweak) Fixed a bug that set the performance entirely wrong on FX-4xxx/6xxx processors, and removed --tr and --fx options as processors can now be automatically detected. The --default option can now be used for Proton applications. This is when you want to run Steam normally, but tweak certain games launched only. This is the optimal setting. Systems which have previously run Delta Network Scripts v4.x.x or earlier must install this exact version before installing newer release of Seda's Enhancements.
19 Feb 2020 7.12.0 (guide) Updated to reflect changes to seda-tweak, and include seda-scale. Updated requirements to more clearly state that they are support requirements, not system requirements.

(seda-tweak) Updated guide text when launched from a terminal.
(seda-scale) New script can be called from the menu (Media > Convert > Resize/Scale a Video) in order to resize a video to a specific horizontal resolution, while keeping the aspect ratio. This can also be called from a normal terminal to resize all videos in a folder, e.g. "seda-scale --batch 1920" would resize all videos in that folder to 1920 pixels wide, and an appropriate vertical resolution for their aspect ratio. This can take a long time; it is suggested only to use this on high end processors... but if you absolutely need the feature, it will work on everything from the K8 and up, it will just take longer.
(seda-spb) Removed. Previous functions integrated into seda-benchmark.
(seda-steam) Removed. It's no longer necessary to run Steam with the tweak.

(seda-powercap) Fixed bug where the return to the normal system power cap was not working correctly. No additional upgrade steps required.
20 Feb 2020 7.12.1 None (seda-init) Fixes a bug on systems which have previously run "Delta Network Scripts" v4.x.x or earlier. Without installing this specific version, those systems may encounter an issue with their firewall configuration that prevents network access. Systems which have previously run Delta Network Scripts v4.x.x or earlier must install this exact version before installing newer release of Seda's Enhancements.
23 Feb 2020 7.13.0 (guide) Updated to include information about seda-containers.

(seda-tweak) Improved performance. Changed execution method for Whitehaven, Colfax, and Kaveri based systems.
(seda-crop) Improved performance, and will now ignore opening logos that were throwing off crop detection.
(seda-scale) Improved performance.
(seda-update) The terminal version has been disabled. Using the menu is now the only supported update mechanism.
(seda-containers) New feature manages hidden folders. This is designed to provide protection against casual access (e.g. someone just browsing folders). It is NOT designed to stop a determined attacker with local access.

(conky) Fixed bug where the root partition would not be identified if it was on a nvme drive.

(seda-identifydisks) Fixed bug where nvme drives were not detected at all.
(seda-install) Fixed root partition detection on nvme drives.

No additional upgrade steps required.
26 Feb 2020 7.13.1 None (seda-tweak) Fixed bug where Kaveri systems could not execute seda-tweak from within Steam. Fixed bug where the GUI did not always work. Fixed bug where the --insane option didn't work for Wine/Proton. Fixed bug where performance was much lower than expected with new Debian updates while using seda-tweak.

(seda-games) Fixed bugs related to how it called seda-tweak.

No additional upgrade steps required.
01 Mar 2020 7.14.0 (seda-fixapt) Troubleshooting script included that can update/add software repositories. Must be run manually from a root terminal; this is not included in the menu and there are no plans to do so. (seda-install) Fixed bug where the icons could not be generated on a first-time install or an upgrade install from v6 or earlier.

(seda-tweak) Fixed bug where the Threadripper 2990WX was being launched incorrectly when called with the --insane option. Fixed bug where the execution method used for the Threadripper 2990WX was incorrect for Steam games. Fixed bug where the Threadripper 2990WX was being called incorrectly for Battle.Net. Changed the Threadripper 2990WX default execution method to run software on Node 2.

No additional upgrade steps required.
02 Mar 2020 7.14.1 (seda-ccs) Not a new feature, but a new menu entry allows easy access to the Combined Crop & Scale functions of seda-crop & seda-scale. This also uses seda-tweak to run, and should minimise its performance impact on other tasks - especially on Threadrippers.

(seda-tweak) Now has a --seda option, designed for use with other Seda's Enhancements scripts.

(seda-crop) Fixed bug causing it not to work on many configurations. Changed directory output to Seda/YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. Seda/2020-03-02. No additional upgrade steps required.
04 Mar 2020 7.14.2 None (seda-optical) Fixed bug where DVDs would fail to copy if the DVD folder had been removed from Media and was on the Core drive. No additional upgrade steps required.
06 Mar 2020 7.14.3 (seda-install) Now checks if the system is using a Vega10 (56/64) and if so, it will apply a workaround automatically to try and stabilise the card. This is the best possible workaround to use and is completely effective for workstation tasks. For gaming, it should massively increase stability but may not fully eliminate crashes.

(seda-achat) Updated resolver to reflect routing changes on Server Annabelle, but this script is currently disabled for all users where at least one non-secure device is present on their network. e.g. if you have any Windows, macOS, ISP provided router, or insecure Android phone on your network, A-Chat will not work.
( This script has now been documented to make it easier for users to edit. Be advised that updates to SE7 will always reset this script. The recommended way to add startup items is to create a script in /usr/local/bin with your system name, e.g. belladonna-script. This will be preserved during SE7 updates, and can be run at startup.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
11 Mar 2020 7.14.4 (seda-install) Now modifies /etc/sudoers.d/se7 rather than directly changing /etc/sudoers.

(seda-protection) Reduced false trigger rate. The script now reacts at 95C instead of 90C for emergency override situations. Changes in seda-fancontrol also allow for more reliable reaction time from system fans when needed.
(seda-fancontrol) Added improved methods for being accessed from other SE7 scripts, such as seda-protection. Added function to enable graphics card temperatures to be linked to the following motherboard fan headers; CHA_FAN3 (Crosshair V Formula-Z, Sabertooth 990FX R3.0, Strix X399-E Gaming), H_AMP_FAN (Zenith Extreme Alpha)
(seda-ccs) Improved quality, speed, and now handles High Dynamic Range ("HDR") video.
(seda-crop) Changed to reflect improvements in seda-ccs.
(seda-scale) Changed to reflect improvements in seda-ccs.

None If you want to use seda-fancontrol, you must physically connect your graphics card fans to the following motherboard headers; CHA_FAN3 (Crosshair V Formula-Z, Sabertooth 990FX R3.0, Strix X399-E Gaming), H_AMP_FAN (Zenith Extreme Alpha)
16 Mar 2020 7.14.5 None (seda-identifydisks) Fixed bug causing failure to detect non-whole disk partitions.

(seda-optical-main) Fixed bug that no dialog was being shown to indicate that archiving is in progress.

No additional upgrade steps required.
21 Mar 2020 7.15.0 (seda-protection) Disabled on systems using Threadripper 29xx processors. This will be re-enabled when temperature detection for those systems is viable.

(seda-tweak) Minor changes to adjust for improvements in Proton / Wine / DXVK / Mesa.
(seda-hunter) New tool finds files. If you can't find a file but know it's on your system somewhere, you can use this tool to find it.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
24 Mar 2020 7.15.1 (seda-identifydisks) Further improvements to detect disks more reliably across different configurations. None No additional upgrade steps required.
06 Apr 2020 7.15.2 (conky) Improved handling of multiple disk configurations and systems where there are multiple video devices.

(seda-install) Now turns the firewall logging function off. This firewall log is not understood by most people and simply leads to unnecessary alarm and confusion. The firewall remains fully enabled, and will protect the system.
(seda-protection) Now disabled entirely. The functions this used to provide are now built into the latest AMD driver/module, so this is no longer useful on the majority of systems.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
20 Apr 2020 7.15.3 (seda-install) If the system is using a Vega10 (56/64) and if so, will set the power cap to 75W on boot. Previously, it was set to 125W. This will result in a considerable loss of performance, but greatly improves the stability of the card.

(seda-powercap) Now shows a clearer error message when you attempt to run the script on a system that does not contain a supported card.
(seda-about) Changed character spacing to display cleanly on newer operating system revisions.
(seda-achat) Removed. The framework this script was based on is no longer viable.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
06 May 2020 7.16.0 (guide) Updated to reflect new features and changes.

(seda-optical) Now allows selection of UltraHD (UHD) media.
(seda-optical-main) Now includes support for UltraHD titles, via --uhd. It is recommended you run this from the menu. These titles will be saved as .uhd instead of simply .bd, to differentiate them from standard Blu-ray Discs (BD).
(seda-hdr) New script provides a menu to play back High Dynamic Range (HDR) video on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) displays via mpv. This allows for better video quality when playing back 4K UHD, whether from a physical disc or a copy archived by SE. The menu entry is
Media Archive & Playback -> Play Media -> Play High Dynamic Range (HDR) Content via MPV.
This is actually a fairly important addition; a document will be sent out later to just cover this as it is too extensive to be included in the Guidebook.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
12 May 2020 7.16.1 (seda-games) Now contains a new calling method, --install, which allows you to quickly install a configuration for 7DaysToDie or Minecraft.

(seda-hdr) Now automatically crops black space (where possible) on widescreen media. This will not affect all systems. Some performance tweaks.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
18 May 2020 7.16.2 (seda-power) New calling modes, --chill and --night. Chill sets the CPU to conservative, GPU to automatic. Night sets the CPU to powersave, GPU to automatic. Night mode is great for keeping noise and power levels down when an application doesn't require much work from the processor. Chill is a standard operating mode that previously required more steps to get to. These modes are not in the menu; they are designed to be used on keyboards with dedicated macro keys. These modes can be triggered even while running a full-screen application. None No additional upgrade steps required.
22 May 2020 7.16.3 (seda-install) Now checks for the new Kernel 5.6+ and later module for Threadripper temperatures, and uses it if present.

(conky) Now provides a far more accurate temperature for Threadrippers.
(seda-sensors) Now provides a far more accurate temperature for Threadripper based systems.
(seda-media) A change has been made to all media scripts (seda-optical, seda-getmedia, seda-scale, seda-crop, seda-ccs, etc...) to provide a better audio experience for new optical discs.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
30 May 2020 7.16.4 (seda-optical-main) Changes the method used to retrieve encryption keys from DVDs to be more efficient. None No additional upgrade steps required.
02 Jun 2020 7.16.5 (seda-optical-main) Improved all dialogs with information about the disc being archived; retrieves the name from disc, uses more reliable methods of copying data, and estimates the size of the archived file. It also now tracks how long it takes to rip each disc, and will display the time once complete. Improvements have been made to rip DVDs and BDs faster - but UHDs will rip much slower (over an hour). None No additional upgrade steps required.
07 Jun 2020 7.16.6 (seda-fixapt) This will run during the upgrade one time to ensure that systems receive unmodified security updates from the correct source.

(seda-optical-main) Removed, replaced by seda-optical
(seda-optical) Merged seda-optical-main and seda-optical into a single script (seda-optical-main has been removed). Added the ability to make an encrypted full-disc backup; this allows you to rip a disc where decryption isn't yet possible, and potentially decrypt it later. This is not guaranteed, and relying on this function is unwise! For best results, purchase MakeMKV.
(seda-wine) Changes made to how this script iis called to ensure a better experience with some games.

(seda-optical) Fixed bug where giving a DVD a name containing spaces would fail if ddrescue was not installed. No additional upgrade steps required.
18 Jun 2020 7.16.7 (seda-identifydisks) This should now accurately show whether or not your system can read UltraHD Discs (UHD). A graphical version of this script is now available in the menu via

Media Archive & Playback -> Check Optical Compatibility
(seda-install) A change has been made to how swapfiles are handled by Debian. A one-time upgrade will be performed on your system swapfile to ensure it works correctly going forward.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
19 Jun 2020 7.17.0 (seda-firewall) New modes available from the menu; Action Stations. This enables the firewall (if disabled), denies all traffic by default, and allows only a specific cleared list of outgoing traffic. Anything not on the list won't work - no other traffic will be able to enter or leave the system. This is the highest security mode possible, but many applications - including Steam - may not be able to connect. The second mode; Standard Operation. This returns the firewall to its default state where it is enabled, but by default all outbound traffic is allowed (any applications you run can access the network, but connections from outside are denied by default). (seda-identifydisks) Corrected HD-DVD compatibility detection. Note that support for HD-DVD will be dropped in SE8.

(seda-install) Fixed bug causing the se7 sudoers entries to duplicate each upgrade.

No additional upgrade steps required.
28 Jun 2020 7.17.1 (seda-install) Disabled global hardware acceleration for MPV to prevent instability for Navi/amdgpu cards.

(seda-init) Disabled the override for the ACO shader, as it is now the default Mesa configuration. The system swapfile will be increased from 4GiB to 16GiB.
(seda-update) Improved ability to detect invalid apt configurations and improved system update process. This script can now detect whether it is on a network with an apt-cacher server, and will use it accordingly.
(seda-fixapt) Removed. The seda-update script can now detect and correct apt issues by itself.
(seda-wine) Removed. The tweaks this applied are no longer required in modern versions of Wine.

None On older systems (pre-2014) you should check that your root partition / Debian partition has more than 16GiB of free space before running the upgrade.

On all systems, you should run: # seda-update --full
...after installation to ensure a smooth experience.

12 Jul 2020 7.18.0 (seda-about) Now shows if the device supports the Linux Vendor Firmware Service; and if it does, then it will show how many devices within the system can be potentially updated.

(seda-install) Now shows a warning about the obsolete ecryptfs-utils package and encrypted home folders.
(seda-optical) Now tries to detect the type of disc automatically and show the user a hint when first opened.
(guide) Updated to reflect all new changes and features.
(seda-enhance) New script and menu entry attempts to enhance/upscale images to the highest quality. You can either call it from the menu one image at a time via
Convert Media Formats -> Enhance/Upscale Photos/Artwork
or run it from the terminal in the folder with images you want to scale using --batch. You can run it on the output images to scale a second time (or more) to get very large images. If present, will use OptiPNG to compress resulting images and save considerable storage space. Also includes a new realtime enhancement capability for low resolution video and media type detection. A menu entry has been added under Play Media as Play Video Media for Discs/Archives/Files. The appropriate playback method will be chosen based on the type of file or disc you select to play.
(seda-chat) New script allows secure chat between systems. Using real names on this chat service is not permitted; discuss topics, not people.
(seda-weather) New script - a return of an old feature - provides detailed weather information.
(seda-hdr) Removed. Replaced by seda-enhance.

None It is suggested you install OptiPNG if you want to use seda-enhance on large images. You can do this via:
# apt-get install optipng

To use the firmware update function, you must also install fwupd. You can do this via: # apt-get install fwupd

20 Jul 2020 7.19.0 (seda-install) Globally enables ACO for faster gaming, faster image enhancements, and more.

(seda-enhance) Updated background components.
(seda-status) Initial cluster reporting support.
(seda-optical) HD-DVD support has been dropped.
(seda-cluster) Cluster computing support, including between networks at different physical locations. This is in the very early stages of development, and support cannot be provided at this time. Further documentation will be available when the scripts are complete.

None Cluster users should install Parallel. You can do this via:
# apt-get install parallel
23 Jul 2020 7.19.1 (all) Version information is now recorded with the full month name, rather than the three letter abbreviation used previously.

(seda-about) Now shows if a system is ready to participate in clusters.
(seda-scale) Improved performance.
(seda-cluster) Improved performance, and cleaned up script. Now tracks the number of frames each system processes.
(seda-netstart/stop/restart) Scripts updated to work with changes to the Debian network stack. Starting, stopping, and restarting the network stack should now work normally from the menu.

(seda-crop) Fixed issue with wrong colour mapping on some file types. No additional upgrade steps required.
26 Jul 2020 7.19.2 (seda-install) Now checks for parallel, mediainfo, optipng, and fwupd. These packages are now required for installation.

(seda-about) Now shows whether the system has the cluster processing capability more clearly.
(seda-cluster) Now has a GUI in the menu via Cluster Management entries.

None You may have to run...
# apt-get install fwupd optipng mediainfo parallel

...if you haven't already installed those.

28 Jul 2020 7.19.3 (seda-cluster) Removed local cluster functions from Seda's Enhancements and removed the Cluster Management menu. The cluster preparation task remains under Tools and Extras, but you will need to send it in for processing and this service is not included as part of your systems complimentary Seda's Enhancements subscription. Updated seda-cluster to display the file name of the task it is currently preparing.

(seda-selfupgrade) Now detects if the internet connection is not available when Conky first loads, so it no longer displays update available simply because your network is unavailable.

None Development of the cluster framework requires the purchase of considerable additional hardware that Seda does not currently have and has no plans to buy.

This version no longer requires Parallel to be installed. If you do not plan to use the cluster service, you can remove it.

03 Aug 2020 7.19.4 (seda-about) Individual cluster version information removed.

(seda-status) Adjustments to ensure systems using TV tuners don't display multiple unrelated kernel modules in the cluster status reporting command.
(seda-enhance) Framework updated.

(seda-cluster) Fixed audio extraction process to ensure that all streams/tracks are preserved. For example, if a file contained both English and Japanese audio, previous versions would lose the Japanese audio. This corrects that oversight. If multiple audio tracks are important to you, you should re-prepare your files. Additionally, development on this feature has reached the point where it is now supported and its individual versioning has been removed. No additional upgrade steps required.
06 Aug 2020 7.19.5 (seda-update) Powercap functionality and default override for Vega 64 disabled. If your system is still using a Strix Vega 64, you cannot use this version of Seda's Enhancements. This should resolve any issues encountered in systems that used to have a Strix Vega 64, but have since upgraded/changed.

(seda-install) Now checks if the system has NFS exports and if so, allows those connections through the firewall.

None If you are still using a Strix Vega 64, you cannot upgrade to this release.
14 Aug 2020 7.19.6 (seda-chat) Now checks if you are already running the chat and prints a warning if so.

(seda-games) Now creates a shortcut for Battle.Net that does not use the tweak. Some games may run better on some processors this way. This is found under Tools & Extras.
(seda-enhance) Improvements made to video playback, and hardware acceleration is now enabled by default.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
20 Aug 2020 7.19.7 (seda-cluster) Now times out an operation if a node does not respond for more than 5 minutes. The menu entry has been removed as certain capabilities require a terminal. Now requires --prepare to prepare an archive, --action to process one. Improved handling of subtitles and audio tracks.

(seda-enhance) Updated background components for much faster performance on all supported graphics devices.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
25 Aug 2020 7.19.8 (seda-about) Changed spacing of characters to line up properly in new Debian versions.

(seda-access) Changed key from Misaki to Annabelle. You can use this to quickly prepare for cluster work hosted by the Alpha Network.
(seda-cluster) Added a percentage count to the work record, making it easy to see how much each node is contributing. Added a --progress option for monitoring the local performance.
(seda-chat) Framework updated.
(seda-update) Updated repository information and removed apt-cacher-ng server information as it is no longer reliable.

None No additional upgrade steps required.
07 Sep 2020 7.19.9 (seda-cluster) Increased the amount of information reported to the cluster server during processing to better track individual system performance. None No additional upgrade steps required.
18 Sep 2020 7.19.10 None (seda-protection) Fixed a bug causing fans to spin constantly even if you aren't using manual fan control. Also removed the fan control and power cap functions from the menu. They are still available in the terminal for advanced users. No additional upgrade steps required.


SE7 was the first version of the scripts to ship with artwork generated on-the-fly per system.